
I have recently taken up white water rafting as a new hobby. This is my third year experiencing the thrill, as well as the self-discovery, this activity can provide. A few weeks ago, I spent the day on a river in Tennessee that was used for training purposes for white water Olympians. Now don't get me wrong - I am not that good at this yet. It just so happens that I had the time and desire to experience some class 4 and 5 rapids.

Tim, what does all of this have to do with success$%: Impatient aren't we$%: I am getting there - I just wanted to set the stage a little.

During the first class 5 rapid, someone threw me out of the raft. I know I just didn't fall out on my own! I spent the next 60 seconds on my back in one of the wildest rides I have ever experienced. I careened from one ragged boulder to another while gasping for air and the hope that it would all end soon. My life passed in front of me several times while the water kept trying to own me. If you have never done a class 5 rapid, filled with rocks, on your back - I don't advise it. When I was finally able to grasp the rope that was thrown to me by another raft, I understood the lesson of this mishap. Kind of like-life.

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1. Enjoy the ride.

2. Trust in the outcome.

3. Recognize that there will be times of uncertainty.

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4. Keep things in perspective.

5. Change is the word of the day.

6. You can't change the river. It will go where it wants.

7. Be grateful for small things, even a rope at the right time.

8. Cool water is a good thing on a hot day.

9. Never underestimate your seat-mate on a raft.

10. Trust those you don't know, especially if they are in another raft.

11. Rocks are good. They create the rapids. They contribute to the adventure.

12. You have to start the trip to enjoy the ride.

13. Spend more time sailing, the rocks are deeper in the water.

14. Adventures like this, when you are a writer, give you material.

15. Rapids eventually end and the water becomes still and quiet.

Enjoy the adventure of life today. Today is a gift. Be thankful and give to this day and take from it all that you can and all that you are.

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